Join us for 5 days of inspiration, education and networking at DjangoCon Africa from 11 - 15 August, 2025 in Arusha, Tanzania
First DjangoCon Africa
In 2023 we hosted the first ever DjangoCon Africa. DjangoCon Africa
took place in Zanzibar, Tanzania 6th-11th November 2023.
We had roughly 200 attendees, of whom 103 were women. The attendees
represented at least 22 countries from around the world.
We held 26 talks on topics covering programming, society, careers,
education, disability, agriculture - the full range of topics you’d
expect at a DjangoCon, with the African perspective often at the

What will be happening at DjangoCon Africa
💬 Talks
Three days of talks, on programming, technology, careers, society and business, with speakers from across the world.
🖥️ Workshops and tutorials
Hands-on training and learning sessions, led by experts in the field. Details to be published soon.
🤝 Collaboration
Work together on code, and contribute to major projects - including Django itself.
👩💻 Django Girls
A training workshop aimed at women, providing an introduction to web application development. Tens of thousands of women across the world have had their introduction to Django through this hugely successful programme.
🔎 Discovery
DjangoCon Africa is an opportunity to discover places and people as well as technology. It will bring together participants from across Africa and the rest of the world, for mutual understanding of contexts, challenges and opportunities.
DjangoCon Africa is made possible by the generous sponsorships of various teams and organisations around the world.
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